出版社:Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS)
had just finished teaching the last regular class and had already
put my notes for that quarter in order. The prospect of a walk
home in the dismal rain—in combination with a sense of relief
and a small but honest grief for the end of this course—had put me
in a somewhat maudlin mood. The usual process of self-evaluation
was well underway. In spite of initial difficulties, in some small way,
I convinced myself, this 4th quarter Latin course (equivalent to a 3rd
semester course) had been a success on several fronts, although a
great many improvements might be made for next time. I felt that I,
teaching 2nd year language for the first time in my new position (I
had elsewhere taught first or upper years), had faced down a diffi-
cult challenge ... or at least could call it a draw.