摘要:The megalithic monument MV1 is a slender orthostatic monument built up
with schist slabs, with a circular chamber and a relative long passage. Contrarily to monu‑
ments with similar structural features, that are collective tombs, MV1 did not exhibit a fune‑
rary character and, perhaps, it must be considered as a sanctuary. It contained some pottery,
four retouched flint blades, one axe and one adze and a fragment of an engraved green schist
idol‑plaque. All these goods point to an early moment in the Chalcolithic, probably in the
transition from the 4th to the 3rd millennium BC. After some centuries from its first use, an
individual was buried in the chamber of the monument. The grave goods, including an unde‑
corated beaker pottery vase and the burial itself point to the so‑called Horizonte de Ferra‑
deira. Radiocarbon dating by AMS of a small sample from the cranial bone gave the date
Beta‑194027 3900±40 BP, which after calibration put the funerary context in the third quar‑
ter of the 3rd millennium BC, i.e. in the transition from the Chalcolithic to the Bronze Age of
the Southern Portugal.