摘要:Capital investment on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) projects
in the public sector of Nigeria economy has been on the increase in the last ten years. This
paper proposes fifty three performance indices of ICT projects and a tool for evaluating
them. The ICT projects in the public sector of Nigerian economy were surveyed and
completed questionnaires were received from forty five Federal Ministries, Departments and
Agencies; thirty six States and Federal Capital Territory; one model Local Government for
each State; thirty seven Universities; forty two Polytechnics and forty three Colleges of
Education. The data collected were subjected to factor analysis by principal components
using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Nine factors were extracted and the
percentage contribution of each factor to the success of ICT projects was estimated. The
results obtained place a high premium on the participation of ICT users in the planning,
implementation and management of ICT projects. The total sum of the percentage
contributions of all the factors was found to be less than one hundred. This revealed that
there were some extraneous factors whose related performance indices were not considered
in the administered questionnaire.