期刊名称:Universitatea din Oradea. Analele. Fascicula Geografie
出版社:Editura Universitatii din Oradea
摘要:The Characteristics of the Frost and Hoarfrost Phenomena in the Apuseni Mountains Area . The present paper shows the characteristics of the frost and hoarfrost phenomena in the Apuseni Mountains based on data collected between 1961 - 2000, measured at nine meteo stations located in the Apuseni Mountains area. Data have been processed in accordance with the standard methodology used in the climatological practice, by calculating the main climatic parameters of these phenomena: the average data when the first and last frost and hoarfrost appear, the average duration of the period with or without frost and hoarfrost, as well as the extreme data regarding the appearance of frost and hoarfrost. The values, presented in the charts, have been assessed accordingly, and the results have been presented synthetically in the conclusions.