In this Informational era, and more precisely, in this net conjecture that we are immersed, many are the challenges and the problems that not even can we deal with, that also we should study in detail and with deepness to find more global, specific and adequate responses.
In this article it is broached a problem composed by other problems that emerged and were approached in different subjects and scientific fields and cannot be omitted or even had as minor in the Informational Science research timing.
The problem here mentioned refers to the convergence in course (with the respective TIC skills), in the people’s Informational behavior, the digital inclusion, with the Informational literacy, translated in the skills to find, evaluate, choose and use the informational on the most diverse environments. It is invoked a project still in course, entitled “The informational Science in the European Space in the Higher Education, in which it is rehearsal an exploratory approach of the instrumental skills in informatics level associated to the critical ability towards information. And we stand up to the problem and draw a sketch for a research of directional and global program.