出版社:Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
摘要:A review of literature on bullying behaviour is made in this article in close relation to student's gender directly involved in the process. In a second analysis we tried to establish a link to the results obtained in neurobiology studies, which also focused on gender differences.
The existence of significant differences between boys' bullying behaviour (mainly direct and physical) compared to girls' bullying behaviour (mainly indirect and relational) is generally agreed among the overwhelming majority of empirical research on the bullying phenomenon. Thus resulting a challenge of seeking an explanation for biological nature of this difference.
Like any other human behaviour, any explanation attempt should necessarily be multifactor, meaning that when we focus exclusively on an area of knowledge (in this article in the field of neurobiology, in particular the influence of brain function in differentiating the type of bullying behaviours depending on gender), we must be aware that this explanation is always partial.
In order to contribute to the clarification of these differences' formation the role of environment, specifically the interactions and parental practices in the production and / or exacerbation of some of these differences, is also highlighted, making impossible any attempt to "see" human behaviour as biologically determined.