出版社:Universidade Federal do Parana̧, Departamento de Psicologia
摘要:The objective was to study the effects of social reinforcement histories on rule-following using 12undergraduate students exposed to a matching-to-sample procedure. The task was to point out eachone of the three comparison stimuli in a given sequence. In both experimental conditions, no sequencewas reinforced or instructed in Phase 1. Phase 2 initiated the rule corresponding to the contingenciesand Phase 3 with the rule that was discrepant to the contingencies. In Phases 2 and 3, the onlyreinforced sequence was the one specified by the correspondent rule of Phase 2. The two conditionsdiffered in the consequences programmed for the correct sequence. The correct sequence wouldproduce social reinforcement in Condition 1 and would produce social reinforcement, plus pointsexchangeable for money in Condition 2. The correct sequence was reinforced in continuousreinforcement. All 12 participants followed the correspondent rule in Phase 2. In Phase 3, four out ofsix participants in Condition 1 and three out of six participants in Condition 2 followed the discrepantrule. It is suggested that a history of social reinforcement for following a correspondent rule cancontribute to maintain a subsequent following of a rule discrepant from the contingencies.