摘要:The geographic elements come first in the sources of inspiration of the proverbs and idioms which are regarded as remarkable information sources of the Cultural Geography. In this survey, a comparative analysis has been carried out related to the geographic elements which take place in the proverbs and idioms that have been composed through the provicies of the Central Blacksea Region (such as Samsun, Ordu, Amasya, Çorum and Tokat).Primarily, how level the natural and human environment in the Central Blacksea Region connecting the coastal zone of Central Blacksea Region that included the various civilizations along the history with the inner Anatolian Region has been reflected to the proverbs and idioms concerning this region will be determined and analysed. Thus, human-environmental relationships will be determined from a different approach through the analysis of the geographic elements in the proverbs and idioms. Finally, how level and degree the natural and human environment changing from the coasts of the Central Blacksea Region to the south of this region has been reflected to the proverbs and idioms will be dealt comparatively.
关键词:natural and human environment ; proverbs and idioms ; geographic elements ; geographical analysis ; provices of The Central Blacksea Region