出版社:Departamento de Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas
摘要:This paper presents a computational program to support the managerial decision. It is based
on the spreadsheet and is focused on modeling and solving an aggregate production planning
problem. Initially, the problem to be dealt with is located within a hierarchical production
process which is composed of three levels of decision. Then, it is formulated a mathematical
model to represent it, which is based on linear programming. This model provides aggregate
production plans that can be used by user to elaborate production scenarios. At last, an
interactive application of this program – that considers the use of Excel spreadsheet to input
and output data and Solver supplement to solve the model – is proposed. The main
characteristics of this program, with respect to the formulation of the aggregate planning
problem, the use of graphical interfaces for input and output data and the decision process
based on scenarios, are discussed and illustrated through an example of literature.
关键词:decision support system, optimization, planning