摘要:This study describes the state of the art in the
measurement of intangible capital and its
contribution to economic growth, with a focus on an
international comparison of intangible investment
intensity and intangible capital deepening among
eleven advanced economies. By employing a broad
measure of intangibles, including computerized
information, innovative property and economic
competencies, we find a relatively large impact on
growth. Intangible capital explains about a quarter
of labour-productivity growth in the US and larger
countries of the EU. The continental West-European
countries show a distinction between countries with
significant contributions from intangible capital
deepening and a group of laggards. Catching-up
countries such as the Czech Republic, Greece and
Slovakia show much larger contributions from
tangible capital deepening than from intangibles, and
also larger multi-factor productivity (MFP) growth
rates related to the restructuring of those economies.