摘要:Summary. Up to date, tele-pathology in the three different forms of application, “dynamic”, “static”
and “virtual microscopy” has been mainly based on tele-hystology remote consulting. Today the
diffusion of specialized WAN connections is guiding the research of new applications of tele-pathology.
A specific analysis has been conducted, focused on digital cytology, in the biomedical laboratory
of Sant’Andrea Hospital to investigate the technologies potentially useful to integrate in the
LAN/WAN for telemedicine applications. Among the possible tools useful to be integrated in the
LAN/WAN for telemedicine applications, the cytometry equipment available in the technical unity
of cytometry has been considered important. The study finally provides a proposal for a tele-consulting
architecture for the integration of cytometry reports both in the hospital LAN and the WAN
for possible cooperative diagnosis and second opinion support.
关键词:Key words: telemedicine, digital cytology, flow citometry.