摘要:Summary (MDMA (ecstasy): neuroendocrine and behavioural effects). - Long lasting 5HT system
impairment has been demonstrated in experimental animals exposed to ecstasy use; MDMA seems to be able
to induce behavioral conditioning and reiterated use because of its dopaminergic action. Among behavioral
aspects of ecstasy users mood disorders, irritability and difficult in relationships, interpersonal difficulties,
high levels of impulsiveness and hostility, high sensation seeking, cognitive and attentive deficit have been
reported. A derangement of serotonin system function was reported also in humans exposed to ecstasy, as
confirmed by neuroendocrine challenges and brain imaging techniques. Recent researches suggest functional
changes in dopaminergic system too. The persistence of behavioral and neuroendocrine changes many
months after MDMA’s discontinuation, indicate a lack of reversibility in the dysfunction induced by ecstasy,
or the persistence of psychobiological traits that could preexist to MDMA exposure, possibly involved in
substance abuse vulnerability.