摘要:This paper presents the second find of the extinct Great Auk (Pinguinus impen‑
nis) in continental Portugal. This remain was recovered, according to the original label glued
on it, at 7 m depth in the Gruta da Furninha (Peniche) — a cave excavated in the last quarter
of the 19th-century by Joaquim F. Nery Delgado. The proximal humerus fragment recently
identified at the Archaeozoology Lab, IGESPAR, I.P., was part of a mixed assemblage of
unclassified faunal remains deposited at the Museu Geológico in Lisbon. For unknown rea-
sons, these were not recorded in the list of avian remains recovered from this archaeological
site, published nearly a century ago (in 1911!). Thus, our knowledge on the past distribution
in southern Europe of this flightless Alcidae, that occupied those regions around the Arctic
at the time of its extinction, is enlarged