The text Prohibited lose of Gonzalo Medina Pérez, is painted in various hues, making it difficult to characterize with a single adjective without thereby sacrificing a number of options that would also account for it. For others, in this endeavor by definition, can either use adjectives opposites: for example, I can say it is a profound document because it touches the depths of the social logic and unravel the intrigue of the world system, which lies in confirming groups for the finals in the alignments of each game, sales of players, coaches squares in government-dictatorships of the leagues, mini-leagues, federations and confederations, FIFA verbigracia. But it is superficial because it is there on the ground in the field, the SSC's collision in the kicks and the tripping, the tricks of the appropriate, in the hands of inappropriate and the arm to celebrate. In the screams of the fans in the stands fans of "Korea" and the "ducklings" who shamelessly smoked and passed from mouth to mouth.