As labourers for hire and private work on the family farm, women play major roles in food production. Despite their key role as food producers and providers, women’s contribution to household food security is impaired. Very often, the work of women in agriculture is not given proper value as it is often considered the natural extension of mothers’ work. This paper examines the methods of food production of women in the northwest province of Cameroon, the constraints encountered in the food production process and the role played by the government and non-governmental organizations in promoting food production and accessibility. The findings show that women farmers still use peasant techniques of farming with rudimentary tools, and are barely exposed to modern farming techniques. Not only are farm holdings small and women lack secure tenure for farm lands, their access to credit and valuable research information is seriously impaired. The paper concludes that unfettered and secure access to land, education, extension services and credit is required to enhance food production, farm income, food accessibility and availability of nutritionally adequate food in rural households in Northwest Cameroon.