摘要:Abstract: The progress of the historiography on the Church in the last fifty years can be qualified as spectacular. If before it was dominated by the anecdotal thing, the laudatory writing or the furious point of view, and in general by manichean and interested visions, today the History of the Church, and specially in the Early Modern Age, offers us a rich and encouraging panorama.
The knowledge of the Andalusian Church in the Modern Age has grown with this reality. It´s an area based on the institutional design and the cultural process, the economy and the mentalities, with a predominance of the social aspects. From this optics the article raises a historiographical review, specially around the works appeared in the last twenty-five years, relative to several fields, such as the peculiarity of the churches of the kingdom of Granada, the ecclesiastical Andalusian geography, the Moorish problem and the relations with the civil power, the changeable reality of the secular clergy and the regular clergy, an approximation to their economic bases, festivities and confraternities, popular religiosity, the welfare labor of ecclesiastical world, the defense of the orthodoxy (with special attention to the Inquisition and to the ecclesiastical courts) and a note about continuity and change at the end of the Early Modern Age.
In all these paragraphs one presents a historiograhical balance, a summary with the main conclusions contributed by the bibliography and a sketch of the lacks observed in the fields that need a major investigative determination.