期刊名称:CORE Discussion Papers / Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (UCL), Louvain
出版社:Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (UCL), Louvain
摘要:We study the effect of contingency trade policy in a multi-country oligopoly model with and without
R&D opportunities. We show that firms benefit from unilateral protection but initiate antidumping
(AD) only against the targets domiciled in substantially smaller countries. Also, AD filings are more
likely when firms face R&D opportunities. These results are consistent with recent empirical findings,
namely, (1) actions are mostly between industrial and developing countries, (2) developing countries
use AD to retaliate against industrial countries, and (3) AD is concentrated in R&D-intensive
industries. Interestingly, intellectual property rights violations in developing countries have no
connection to AD filings.