摘要:The first implementation experiences of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and, therefore, of the new teaching methods focused on student learning has been a needed renewal in the teaching practices of Higher Education. The University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), from the academic course 2003-04, is carrying out ECTS experiences, prior to definitive establishment of the new Grades, which results have been slightly studied, at least, at a global level.
In this study we provide an overview of this process, from the point of view of students, from a study carried out between 2007 and 2009. The report, elaborated from the analysis of the data collected in a large sample of students, shows generally positives results, it also shows some dysfunctions and, in any case, it provides suggestive lines of actions towards the implementation of the new titles.
The writing of this paper is organized into different areas: the impact of infrastructure, mentoring, the student workload, assessment and scheduling, among others. Overall, this paper invites us to learn from experience and be cautious in the process of implementation of new methodologies, taking into account our environment of application.