Reviewing some recent problems in clinical psychology from 1960 through 1966, the following topics were discussed. 1.Developments in methodological study of the Rorschach Technique. In order to fully appreciate and utilize the research potential of the Rorschach Technique, it is essential to keep in mind some fundamental problems of this highly valued, yet inadequately understood diagnostic instrument. In this review, the following points were discussed: 1)Developments of scoring systems and their interpretation. 2)Stimulus properties of Rorschach cards. 3)Reliability and validity of the Rorschach test. 4)New projective techniques. 2.Researches on counseling and psychotherapy. There appeared too many literatures concerning counseling and psychotherapy, both individual and group, to review in a limited space. Therfore some major problems were discussed under the following titles. 1)Analysis of therapist characteristics, client characteristics, psychotherapeutic relationship, and outcomes of psychotherapy. 2)Studies on psychotherapy with children. 3.Review of behavior therapy. Behavior therapy was introduced classifying therapeutic techniques in terms of symptom-therapeutic relations. Some of the therapeutic researches in "Operant-conditioning" were reviewed as well as "Eysenck-Wolperian" researches. Then critical discussions followed to clarify problems to be studied in the future.