What are the tasks of educational psychology for the teaching of Japanese language? Various reviews and facts were presented as follows: Kaoru Yokosuka, a pedagogist, points out the importance of the "image" in understanding as well as expression of Japanese language. Nobuo Ito, a veteran teacher of elementary school, offers the typical episodes in his as well as other teacher's class room which suggest the teaching-learning process of general concept. He avows himself to have owed rather to the study of linguistics than educational psychology. Isao Sato, a psychologist, holds the indispensability to study the teaching-learning process of Japanese language in the children of elementary school, though past studies have inclined toward the study of development before school age. He also proposes the importance of reading aloud, or dramatizing. According to Kiyoshi Amano, a psychologist, children before entering the school arrive at the consciousness on the linguistic reality of Japanese language to some degree. Its completion must, however, be expected to the education of elementary school. But in reality children cannot attain the expected level in the present elementary schools. Amano proposes a systematic education for the linguistic ability, knowledge, and consciousness in elementary school. As to the co-operation between teachers and educational psychologists, the point of rough agreement in this symposium may be the psychological unfolding of the latent principles which lie in the excellent practices by teachers. ・・・…Masasuke Kuroda, chairman.