Principles and methodology of psychology as a study of human being have been discussed from ome theoretical standpoints-behaviorism (Haruki), phenomenological anthropology (Yamashita), dialecitc phenomenology (Nishihira), cognitive theory (Saeki) and some other theories. Causality including S-R, cognitive structure and rationality (coherence, optimality, openness, etc.), totality including estalt, process of growth, becoming and creation, nature of ambiguity and dialectic development, experiencing, intention, relatedness, existential meaning, etc., have been studied as a nature of human being (subject of psychology) as well as a focusing point of research (method). It was hoped that each approach became qualified so that we may develop more integrative approach toward understanding human being totally, i.e. both operationally and phenomenally, both objectively and subjectively, both nomothetically and ideographically, both theoretically and practically, etc.