This symposium was to discuss on what proposal a psychologist was able to give for making the programme for language teaching, and what a research language teacher was needed for to psychologists. T. Takagi presented ``On the programm of language leaching for pre-school children.''She emphasized 3 aims of language teaching : (1) To make children learn communicating ability. (2) To make them learn Decoding ability. (3) To make them learn written language. J. Iwata presented ``On the structure of language teaching from a congnitive viewpoint.'' He emphasized 4 dimensions : (1) To make them learn coding ability. (2) To make them learn to use language consciously. (3) To make them form inner speech. (4) To make them convert an inner speech from thinking into an audible speech. And he concluded that the teaching of using a language consciously stimulated cognitive development of children. S. Kawahara reported on the practical problem in language teaching for infants. By her research on the actual conditions of language teaching, she organized her curriculum and activity programm. E. Ishidoya reported on ``Practical problems in language teaching for mind and body handicapped children. ``He pointed that as they had less functional words than normal children in languge acquisition, he made them a remedial teaching programme for functional words. After these presentations, N. Okamoto commented on : (1) What ability should we make children to acquire through language acquisition? (2) What study should be done on the loss and gain caused by language education.