rights: 日本教育心理学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001895494/This symposium critically examined Japanese educational psychology from a historical perspective putting an emphasis on more adequate forms of study. Social roles past educational psychology played were first analyzed followed by a positive critocism of research methodologies of "institutionalized" educational psychology. Historically, prewar and wartime educational psychology, influenced the ideology on state fascism. After the war, educational psychologists favored democracy. They changed their ideology, retaining the same basic "paradigm", that is, a positivistic stance taking psychological devices within the individual as theoretical units. Such paradigm desregarded social and historical contexts embedding individuals. Efforts shuold be made to try to break such rigid, academic framework form a historical and critial perspective.
This symposium critically examined Japanese educational psychology from a historical perspective putting an emphasis on more adequate forms of study. Social roles past educational psychology played were first analyzed followed by a positive critocism of research methodologies of "institutionalized" educational psychology. Historically, prewar and wartime educational psychology, influenced the ideology on state fascism. After the war, educational psychologists favored democracy. They changed their ideology, retaining the same basic "paradigm", that is, a positivistic stance taking psychological devices within the individual as theoretical units. Such paradigm desregarded social and historical contexts embedding individuals. Efforts shuold be made to try to break such rigid, academic framework form a historical and critial perspective.