摘要:Different research studies have shown that the processes of lexification and
standardization that come into operation during lexical production revolving around
different semantic categories vary according to the different social groups. Moreover,
prior experimental studies have pointed out that a change in modality in the production
(oral tests vs. written tests) does not alter the quantitative results, but does seem to
significantly affect the qualitative outcomes. The objectives of this study are firstly to
analyse how lexical production in both modalities is affected from the point of view of
the formal mechanisms of actualization and secondly to determine whether there is a
variation among the different social groups, particularly between the production of
gender, and how this variation is related to social constructionism and cognitive
linguistics theories. To perform the study, tests were administered to 60 native Spanish
speaking students of the University of Salamanca (Spain). General aspects of the
conceptualization of semantic fields within the different lexical cultures were also
qualified. All of this helps us to define more clearly the variation in the linguistic
material of the different “lexical cultures” that form a speech community