OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the cognition and motor development, self care, language, socialization and the nutritional status of child with zero to six years old. METHOD: 48 children attending a philanthropic day care called Casa da Criança, living in Diamantina Town (Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil) participated in this study. For data collection it was used the following instruments and proceedings: Portage Inventory application, nutritional evaluation and social and economic questionnaire. RESULTS: the partial correlation analyses demonstrated that there were significant correlations within the following pair of variables: cognition x language, socialization x self care and motor x weight/height and weight/age. DISCUSSION: we perceived the necessity of implantation of a program for child development stimulation in the day care that integrate health and education, which may be planned into the Portage Inventory perspective. The use of instruments in this study makes possible the children repertory optimization, the educators training and the family orientation to the children stimulation. CONCLUSION: an intervention based on the Portage Inventory shows as promising tool to the healthy interaction between the children and parents/caregivers.