The purpose of this study was to compare current awareness of the “On a Code of Conduct for Scientists” (OCCS) among members of the Japanese Society for Hygiene (JSH).
MethodAn anonymous self-administered questionnaire was mailed to JSH members, including 439 councilors and 376 junior members (who were under 50 years of age with a membership of 3 years or longer, excluding councilors). Councilors were surveyed from November to December 2007, while junior members were surveyed from November to December 2008.
ResultsThe overall response rate was 40.6% ( n = 331/815), with responses from 46.7% of the councilors ( n = 205/439) and 33.5% of the junior members ( n = 126/376). Among the respondents, 36.0% of councilors ( n = 68) and 59.8% of junior members ( n = 73) did not know the contents of “On the Code of Conduct for Scientists” ( P n = 145) and 61.4% of junior members ( n = 75) had not heard of it ( P n = 133), 68.6% of junior members ( n = 83)] ( P n = 133), 68.9% of junior members ( n = 84)] ( P n = 46) and 15.7% of the responding junior members ( n = 19) believe it necessary for JSH to formulate its own code of conduct for scientists ( P Conclusion
We clarified the current state of awareness of the OCCS among JSH members as well as the opinion of members for the JSH to have its own Code of Conduct for Scientists. This result provides important information that should be considered during the formulation of an individual code of conduct for scientists in the JSH.