摘要:According to Claude Lévi-Strauss, the cuisine constitutes a passing link from stage of nature to stage of culture. Based on ethnographic research among the Mbyá-Guarani, this article analyzes this assertion under the light of the Amerindian cosmology. However, the dichotomy between nature and culture does not apply to indigenous groups, since for these nature and culture constitute a hybrid. To this hybridism might also be added the domain of supernatural. In terms of analysis this hybrid configuration does not allow any kind of transition from one domain to another. Yet the transition is possible among the three possible conditions of life in cosmos – animality, humanity and divinity. Human beings may perform the transition to animality as well as the transition to divinity. But no matter the course of the transition, although in different conditions in cosmos, from humanity one will always achieve animality. As conceptualized by Lévi-Strauss, from culture always occurs the trasition to nature. However, in one direction ex-humans will control nature beings, in another one, they will be controlled by nature. This isn’t just about a peculiarity of indigenous groups, it may also be found in societies so-called “modern”, however under others shapes.