Nowadays individuals belonging to sensitive social groups face serious problems in their professional and social integration, due to their particular characteristics and multidimensional deficiencies in education, training and their promotion in the job market.
The present work attempts to investigate the effectiveness of the integrationist approach system in the promotion of sensitive social groups in the job market. In the first part, the term sensitive social groups is analyzed, as well as the significance of integrationist approach in the integration of these special demographic groups in the job market, through their participation in Continuing Vocational Training programs. Meanwhile, the term effectiveness and quality is semantically clarified in the frame of Continuing Vocational Training programs.
In the second part, the results of a research are presented. The research was realized in individuals that belong to sensitive social groups and which participated to Continuing Vocational Training programs in Achaia, Greece, from 2004 to 2009. The paper is completed with conclusions and their discussion.