This research attempted to find out the factors that are affecting customers’ intention and satisfaction to shop
online. To shop on Internet becomes an alternative for consumers since it is more comfortable than conventional
shopping which usually attributed with anxious, crowded, traffic jam, limited time, parking space and etc.
Internet in Malaysia is still considered as a new medium toll between the retailers and the consumers, and also
retaining customers on e-retail is the most issue that is faced any e-retail store. To increase the understanding in
this area, the following questions need correct answers. Are Malaysians ready to embrace Internet shopping? In
addition, this study intends to know the reasons, why Malaysian customers accept or refuse internet shopping
application? And what are dominant predictors that influence the customers’ intention to shop on internet in
Perlis, Malaysia? This research adopted survey by questionnaire approach. Questionnaires will be distributed
among general public including student at the university to gauge their intention to shop online. Findings of this
research will provide a yardstick to customer satisfaction and online shopping based on various issues such as
advertisement, brand, shopping experience, time, trust etc.