摘要:The Arctic climate is changing faster than any other large-scale region on Earth. A
variety of positive feedback mechanisms are responsible for the amplification,
most of which are linked with changes in snow and ice cover, surface temperature
(Ts), atmospheric water vapor (WV), and cloud properties. As greenhouse gases continue to
accumulate in the atmosphere, air temperature and water vapor content also increase, leading
to a warmer surface and ice loss, which further enhance evaporation and WV. Many details
of these interrelated feedbacks are poorly understood, yet are essential for understanding
the pace and regional variations in future Arctic change. We use a global climate model
(Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Atmosphere–Ocean Model) to examine several
components of these feedbacks, how they vary by season, and how they are projected to
change through the 21st century. One positive feedback begins with an increase in
Ts that produces an increase in WV, which in turn increases the downward longwave flux (DLF) and
Ts, leading to further evaporation. Another associates the expected
increases in cloud cover and optical thickness with increasing DLF and
Ts. We examine the sensitivities between DLF and other climate variables in these feedbacks and
find that they are strongest in the non-summer seasons, leading to the largest amplification in
Ts during these months. Later in the 21st century, however, DLF becomes less sensitive to
changes in WV and cloud optical thickness, as they cause the atmosphere to emit longwave
radiation more nearly as a black body. This regime shift in sensitivity implies that the
amplified pace of Arctic change relative to the northern hemisphere could relax in the