Knowing the importance of the integration process of graduates of higher economic studies on a labour market that is becoming more and more demanding, as well as the fact that professional objectives realistic defined represent an essential demand of performance, the present paper aims to determine the relevance of personal decision capacities as a favouring factor of a concrete career option for economist students.
Our research is based on information and statistical data obtained through applying tests and questionnaires on economist students from licence and master studies form three universities: University of Oradea, The West University of Timişoara and “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, in the project called PRACTeam „The practice of economist students. Inter-regional partnership on the labour market between universities and the business environment” Project co-financed through the Social European Fund, Through the Operational Program Human Resource Development 2007 – 2013 – „Invest in people!”.
In essence we leave from the premises that the professional option reflects a specific side of individual’s personality which does not choose only for a certain occupation but, implicitly for a certain lifestyle. As a diagnosis approach we assume axiomatic the thesis according to which the high level of congruence between the individual psychological availabilities and the occupational environment raises the satisfaction chance and professional success.
The approach that we submit is an interdisciplinary one, as well as the research team formed of two economists and a psychologist. Our study proposes to identify the correlation between the individual decision ability of the subject and the compatibility between a specific interests set of abilities identified on the basis of individual tests. Also, on the basis of processing the results obtained of economist students at the personality tests, we will try to argument explaining the option of some subjects for professions that demand individual qualities that their personality does not imply at the level asked.