摘要:The purpose of this research is to
five factors: (1) the impact of education
cheating; (3) the impact of technology
environment. A survey questionnaire was created and distributed
enrolled at a public university in Central Virginia during
anonymous respondents. Seven null h
There were sufficient evidence to conclude
instruction, and those who teach it, to be relevant and beneficial
behaviors. Students’ attitude towards cheating i
high schools, colleges, and non-major classes.
schools and in non-major classes. S
cheaters to the proper authority. T
easier to cheat in online/hybrid class
Further, students admitted that ethics is very important to them and
the same ethical standards that they hold others to.
living in an ethical campus environment
nature and that it is never too late to learn about ethics
Key Words: business ethics, perception of ethics,
ethics, academic integrity
Journal of Academic and Business Ethics
College students’ perception, Page
ollege Linda K. Lau
Longwood University
Brandon Caracciolo
Longwood University
Stephanie Roddenberry
Longwood University
Abbie Scroggins
Longwood University
examine the college students’ perception of ethics
and faculty/instructors on ethics; (2) students’
technology; (4) the importance of ethics; and (5) the ethical campus
via e-mail to all students
y fall 2010. Data was collected from 7
hypotheses were developed and tested.
re that college students’ perceive ethics
in shaping their own ethical
is measured by their perception of cheating in
Students tend to cheat less in colleges than high
Students also stated that they do not feel compelled to report
The use of technology has an impact on college ethics since it
classes and when some kind of technology is used in a course.
that they hold themselves to
Finally, college students believe that they are
environment, where their faculty members are mostly ethical in
in colleges
关键词:business ethics, perception of ethics,
ethics, academic integrity