期刊名称:Facta Universitatis. Series Economics and Organization
出版社:University of Nis
摘要:Central Bank, as the ultimate monetary institution in the financial system of a country, is striving to provide optimum monetary conditions for the economic system functioning, while performing the functions of monetary regulation, supervision and the lender of last resort of banks. Sustaining monetary stability as the goal of monetary regulation function, and financial stability as the goal of supervision and lender-of-last-resort function, imposes the need to consider the possibilities for optimization of these functions, in the direction of simultaneously achieving price and financial stability. The theoretical discussion on the functions and objectives of central banks pointed to the need to define an appropriate framework of monetary, supervision and control policies, which will foster the achievement of both price and financial stability.
关键词:central bank, monetary regulation, supervision, lender of last resort of banks, price stability, financial stability