期刊名称:AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences
出版社:AGORA University Publishing House
摘要:Abstract:In the present article we attempt to plead for the reassertion of the unbreakable connection between the two types of order by starting with the finding that modernity has opted to break the link between moral and juridical order. The moral code appears to constitute an expression of a universal order which must form the basis of any legal order. Introduction: IntroductionSociety nowadays is characterized by a rapid progression, an unprecedented technical and scientific development, which stresses the tendency to deny the collective moral conscience, by promoting a more self-aware conscience, which in fact harms the moral quality of the law. In order to resolve this difficult situation, we will demonstrate in the following pages that by returning the law to its moral foundations, we consider, we may achieve the goal of ensuring coexistence of society. Conclusions: ConclusionsAlthough they may seem fallen out of fashion the existing doctrinal conflicts regarding the relation between the law and the moral code are brought back into the mainstream by the specificity of contemporary society. In the context of our lives nowadays, certain forces, especially pertaining to the field of politics, are trying to impose certain norms that are severely harming the moral principles, and this aspect often poses the problem of a moral crisis within the law and of trying to overcome this problem more and more. It is true that the law cannot take the place of the moral code just as the moral code cannot substitute itself for the law. However it is just as true that between these things there is an unbreakable connection. In the process of creating a law, the legislator cannot ignore the fact that society has its own moral code from where he should start developing every rule, because any law which does not suit the society it addresses will fail in fulfilling its purpose.Bibliography:Dănişor, Gh., Filosofia drepturilor omului, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011;Mihai, Gheorghe C., Fundamentele dreptului. Ştiinţa dreptului şi ordinea juridică, vol. I, 2nd edition, C.H. 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Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009;Popa, Irineu, Ion, Substanţa morală a dreptului, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009;Moroianu, E., Conceptul de ordine juridică, Studii de drept românesc, no. 1-2/2008, Bucharest, 2008;Şerban Morăreanu, Camelia şi Olteanu, Orestia, Paralelă între norma socială şi norma juridică –Volume of the International Conference “Integrare şi globalizare”, organized by the University of Piteşti on 15 -16 of April 2005, University of Piteşti Publishing House, 2005;Marinescu, Elise şi Şerban Morăreanu, Camelia, Consideraţii generale privind necesitatea interpretării normelor juridice, Volume of the International Conference “Economia contemporană. Prezent şi perspective”, organized by the University of Piteşti on 24 - 25 of April 2004, Agir Publishing House, 2004;Popa, N., Teoria generală a dreptului, All Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002;Vlăduţ, I., Introducere în sociologia juridică, 2nd edition, Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000;Djuvara, M., Teoria generală a dreptului. Drept raţional, izvoare şi drept pozitiv, All Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 1999;Macintyre, Alasdair, Tratat de morală după virtute, Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998;Arnaud, A. J., (Ed.) Dictionnaire encyclopedique de theorie et de sociologie du droit, deuxieme edition, L.G.D.J., Paris, 1993;Guitton, J., Bogdanov, G., Bogdanov, I., Dumnezeu şi ştiinţa, Harisma Publishing House, Bucharest, 1992;Speranţia, Eugeniu, Lecţiuni de enciclopedie juridică, in Antologie de filosofie românească, vol. IV, Minerva Publishing House, Bucharest, 1988;Titulescu, N., Reflecţii, Albatros Publishing House, Bucharest, 1986;Kelsen, H., Théorie pure du Droit, Dalloz, 1962;Ripert, G., La règle morale dans les obligations civiles, ed. III, LGDJ, 1935.