标题:Zalalövőről származó római kori malomkövek archeometriai vizsgálati eredményei = Results of archaeometrical analysis of Roman millstones from Zalalövő
摘要:109 pieces of Roman age millstones from Zalalövő (Roman name is Salla) were studied archaeometrically.
Authors made detailed macroscopic and polarising microscopic description moreover representative samples
were chemically analysed. The most important raw materials of the millstones are vesicular basalt, originated
highly probably from Ság-hegy (near Celldömölk). Other important raw materials were potassic volcanic rock
types, andesite-trachiandesite-latite, these raw materials originated from Gleichenberg (Steyr-basin, Austria).
The origin of the raw materials of rarely occurred basaltic tuff is questionable.
The archaeometric results have high importance in archaeological point of view, namely these raw materials
were imported from quite close geological localities, which show local commercial procedures as regards
millstones. Possibly the millstones were finally formed in the quarries, and the ready millstones were delivered
to the town, but there are no archaeological proofs for this due to the later intensive quarrying of the raw