This report contains the V. VI, VII of a series of experiinental studies on the "Form-Color" problem. The experiment of study V was designed to investigate and compare the controlled instruction and the experimental instruction to the stimulus figures made in reference to the "figure of KATZ". The stimulus figures used were geometrical figures, ob jective figures and abstract figures. These responses were respectively considered from a developmental point of view. The results were as follow . In the controlled instruction used the geometrical figures responses shifted from color to from between the ages 4-5 and 6. This result intensified one year later than the experimental reslilts for the Lotto-Methode. On the one hand, when the experimental instruction was used the geometrical figures were already identifiable at age 4 and the form abstraction was more dominant than the color abstraction. In the controlled instruction using the object figures for age 4 , the form abstraction was more dominant than the color abstraction. In the experimental instruction already the form abstraction was remarkably more dominant than the color abstraction in the age 4 group. In the controlled instruction using the abstractive figures, responses shifted from color to to form between the age group 4 and 5. In the experimental instruction the responses shifted from color to form betweeh age groups 4-5 and 6.