集団行動の諸要因の相互関係を公式化するためのカギは集団参加性にある。そこでまずこの概念について取り扱い,その3因子である連帯性・勢力性および親和性の相互関係を分析的に考察した。ここで用いた技法を集団行動の3変数すなわち集団生産性・集団凝集性および集団参加性の相互関係の分析にも適用した。この技法は重相関と重決定係数を算出し,変数相互の相対的寄与量をみることによって,相互関係を見とおすというものである。これによって,若干の成果を得た。その主要な点は次のようである。 (1)集団凝集性と集団参加性はともに課題遂行に有意の相関をもつことが示されたが,相対的寄与量からいえば,凝集性よりも参加性により重みがあることをより明確にできた。 (2)集団参加性は,平等的集団での場合には階層的集団よりも生産性に関連が深くなる。平等的集団では,階層的集団よりもいっそう相互作用が積極的かつ効果的で,課題遂行に寄与し,課題遂行と参加性との対応がより大きい。しかし平等的集団でも知能水準の下位群の場合には,そういう傾向はそれほど明確に示されないので,課題遂行と参加性との対応にはある限界があるだろう。 (3)3つの変数のおのおのが,相互に他の2変数によって推定される割合いは,課題Iの方が課題IIよりもおよそ大きくなる傾向がある。この要因は,成員の目標達成のための手段的相互依存関係の程度にあると考えられる。一般には,課題の困難を増すにつれて協同の度合いを高めなければならないが,課題Iは課題IIよりもこのような協同事態により適切なものとなっていることを示す。 (4)こうして,協同・競争の集団を力学的な活動体系とみる考え方を実証しえたと思われるが,3変数の相互関係の基本的な様相(configuration)からは,協同と競争の集団間に差はみとめられない。 しかし,集団成員のパーソナリティ特徴は,集団過程に劣らず重要である。集団過程とパーソナリティの相互関連を検討することが,今後の課題となる。これは他の機会に発表したいと考えている。
In my previous report (Jap. J. of educ. Psychol., Vol.13, No.4, 1965), the differences of group effect between cooperation and competition were clarified by using the three variables, that is, group productivity, group cohesiveness and group participation. But the examination on the interrelationship among these variables remained. The main purpose of the present report is to examine the relationships in the previous data. The multiple correlation coefficients on these three variables were examined to clarify the interrelations among these variables. The multiple correlation coefficients were interpreted by the coefficient of multiple determination (R^2) suggested by Guilford (1950). As to the interrelationship among group productivity, group cohesiveness and group participation, the differences were examined between intelligently hierarchical group and equalitarian group, between task I (puzzle problem) and task II (discussion problem), and also between cooperation and competition. The main findings are as follows: 1) Both group participation and group cohesiveness were significantly related to the group productivity, but when relative contribution of these variables was examined, it was suggested that the former was more related to the group productivity than the latter. 2) In the equalitarian group the group participation seems to be related more closely to the group productivity than in the hierarchical group. The interaction among the group members in the equalitarian group may be more active and effective than in the hierarchical group. 3) The degrees of interdependence among three variables were greater in task I than in task II. The interaction among members in performing the task may be more intimate in task I. 4) The configuration of these three variables was almost the same between cooperation and competition. The concept of the group participation, which may be considered as the key concept for the understanding of the interrelationship among three variables, was examined in the same way. And it was found that solidarity, power and a affiliation, which are sub-variables of the group participation variable, were interrelated each other and that the concept of the group participation was construted as a interactional concept by these sub-variables. The results of this study are suggestive for the understanding of the dynamic system of action in the group situation including cooperation and competition.