A sample of 1104 subjects (544 males and 560 females) from various groups rated the Adult Characteristics. Scale comprising 28 items for male and 19 for female, validated on the subjects of a previous experiment (cf. Report 1 in the same journal by the same writer). Their ratings were then converted into Adult Scores (A. S. 's) as well as the individual scores for the different regions of adult characteristics in personality, for each of the seven successive age-groups with a size of two year's interval, excepting the bottom group with the ages of 19 and below, and the top group with the ages of 30 and above. Frove the analyses of the developmental aspects of the adult chracteristics on the basis of A. S.' s and the individual scores, it was concluded that the average ages whtn the adolescents reach adulthood were from 25 to 26 for the male subjects, and from 21 to 22 for the female subjects. Further, their ages having been matched, intergroup differences were analyzed by comparing these scores between the group of university students and the group of young workers, between the marricd group and the unmarried group, between the group who were living with their parents and the group not living with them, between the group who had been brought up in rural areas and the group brought up in urban areas, and between the group with university education and the group with only high school or middle school education. The most marked difference was found botween the married and unmarried groups regardless of their sex, and an interesting finding about these analyses was that in most individual subjects there were different effects of social and environmental conditions on the development of their adult characteristics in the different regions of personality.