(1)大衆社会といわれる今日の社会状況では,大衆社会的職業観の浸透が著しい。この職業観は,個人を社会状況に「適応」させるけれども,個人が職業をとおして社会を変革するという意味での,職業の社会的意義をまったく無視している職業観である。しかも,中学校の進路指導では,大衆社会的職業観を,問題の多い適性概念によって,むしろ積極的にうえつけようとしている。(2)本研究では,各階層の中学生のもっている職業観を質問紙調査法により明らかにしようと試みた。調査対象の中学3年生を,親の職業を指標として階層I II IIIに分類した。(3)その結果,第1には,中学生の職業選択の基準には階層差がみられず,その基準としては,大衆社会的職業観に基づいた基準があげられていることが明らかになった。たとえば,選択基準としては,適しているか好きか,やりがいがあるか,収入が多いか,収入が安定しているか,などがあげられているか,また,なりたい職業と,収入の多さ,地位の高さ,スマートさ,らくな程度,とは相関が高い。(4)第2には,中学生の学歴志望と職業志望には,階層差があり,また,将来の生活のイメージにも,階層差の傾向がみられた。しかし,自己の選択職業の評価に階層差はみられなかった。(5)さらにいくつかの事例研究により,中学生の社会状況に対する姿勢を,状況へむしろ積極的に「適応」しようとするタイプから,状況に対決していく志向もったタイプまでの,いくつかのタイプに類型化した。(6)以上の結果から,中学生は,現実には,状況へ「適応」せざるえないために,大衆社会的職業観によって,むしろ積極的に状況に「適応」しようとする構えをもっているといえよう。
While most people are apt to think of occupations as an expedient to get money and to enjoy leisure time, some are trying to find enjoyment on living by plunging into their present occupation. However, both of them lack the challenging attitude against their social situations, so both are conceived as characteristic views of occupation in mass society. The purpose of this study is to investigate the view of occupation of 9th graders in a junior high school by the questionnaire. The results are as follows : 1) Pupils say they are not going to choose the occupations which seem easy to get much money, high social status and security. They choose the occupations which they think they will like and which are suitable for them. 2) When they are required to rank the 12 different occupations according to 8 criteria, the rank correlations reveal that their favorites are occupations which are easy to get much money, high social status and smartness, but which do not necessarily contribute to social and public welfare. 3) The pupils were classified into three groups according to social status; upper, middle and lower, mainly by their parents' occupations. Then class differences were examined. The levels of educational and occupational aspirations of the pupils correlate with the present status of the pupils. The future images of occupational life also show marked class differences. 4) The evaluations of the occupation that the pupils chose show no class difference. This can be interpreted that those who belong to the upper class evaluate their occupations not so high but "average" from their own frames of reference and those who belong to the lower class evaluate theirs "average" from the frame of reference of the lower. 5) From some case studies, the pupils were classified into four types according to their attitudes toward the occupations and social situations; trying to adapt themselves rather voluntarily to their situations, to accept passively their situations, to challenge against their situations and hesitating which way they should take. These results suggested that pupils consider only the personal function of the occupation, neglecting its social function. They are not trying to reform their social situations through their occupation. Based on these results, the philosophy of vocational guidance presented in Gakushu-shido-yo-ryo (course of study published by the Ministry of Education) was severely criticized in detail.