By means of Brownfain's 25 items of selfconcept, a group of seven university students (one male and six female) were assessed by making each of them rate against 5-point scales. a) rate himself as he considers himself to be, b) rate himself as he considers the rest of his group consider him to be, and c) rate each one of the rest as he considers him to be. For the rating c), average score of the group was calculated, and from these three different scores obtained above, four indices were deviced, namely, 1) Index of Social Alienation (I. S. A.) ; from discrepancy between the scores a) and b). 2) Index of Social Awareness (I. S. Aw.) ; from discrepancy between the scores b) and c). 3) Index of Social Adaptation (I. S. Ad.) ; from discrepancy between the scores a) and c). 4) Index of Mutual Understanding (I. M. U.) ; from discrepancy between a) and the individual score of c). These indices obtained were then compared with the result of Y-G Test which was given to the same group as an external criterion, and the reliability of the deviced indices were confirmed. The results indicated that these indices differentiated fairly well both interactions of the members of the group and their respective personality characteristics.