出版社:Departamento de Filosofía / Asociación Granadina de Antropología
摘要:The history of late 19th-century Spanish theatre, in its two expressions as text and performance, could quite easily be reconstructed from the parodies, which span all the theatrical polymorphism of this period. Thus, we might gain both a deeper understanding of the original works (the theatre of the Restoration as a whole, quite overlooked and invariably analysed from a negative view), and also be able to focus critically on the sociocultural, historical reality involved in the original discourse. On the other hand, parodies are clear examples of different expressions of humour taken to the stage, and they are the forerunners of Valle-Inclan's Esperpento. Several parodies from the works of playwright Eugenio Sellés serve as apt illustrations.
关键词:parodias teatrales | teatro español del siglo XIX | humor | Eugenio Sellés | Restauración | theater parodies | Spanish 19th-century theater | humour | Restoration