The Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD) constitutes an instrument often used in Brazilian psychological assessmentpractices. Few studies of its validity as a cognitive assessment instrument can be found. The present paperanalyses the performance of several samples of children from Belo Horizonte on the HFD (Wechsler scoringsystem) and on others tests such as Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices, verbal scale of WISC-III, R-2 Test,and Bender Test (Koppitz system). The results of partial correlation (controlling age) indicated low, but significantvalues, between HFD and Raven (.204); IQ verbal (.299); R-2 (.330), and Bender (-.396). In addition, threescoring systems of HFD (Wechsler, Goodenough, and Harris systems) were compared. High coefficients werefound (.72 to .79). It is concluded that the HFD is a proxy measure of intelligence and is fairly associated tocognitive and psychomotor abilities. On the other hand, there are not significant differences between the threescoring systems which means that it is possible to use either of them.