Families and schools feel uneasy when facing teenagers' problems regarding specifically academy-relatedknowledge. These problems can be lack of interest for knowledge acquisition, lack of meaning perceived inacademic content and difficulty in maintaining attention during classes. This work presents a possibleperspective to understand this discomfort in education from a psychoanalytical approach. We take as centraland intimately related the concepts of desire and authority, given that knowledge is built fundamentally bythe relation experienced by the subject with their desire, and the identification with those who play the roleof master/teacher. Adolescence, a time of powerful combinations and compositions that demands new attitudesto social requests, is understood by psychoanalysis as a model for the questions surrounding the crisis ofsymbolic references. Thus, the question of authority's decline nowadays has direct effects on education,involving, most specifically, teenager's desire for knowledge, demonstrated in the escalating demand forpsycho-pedagogical treatment.