In September of 2009 the Boletim de Psicologia completed 60 years of continuous publication. This article hasas its purpose to present the indexes related to the last ten years (1999-2009), to complement those publishedin number 111 (2 semester of 1999), related to the first 50 years of its existence. Two kinds of indexes arepresented. The first reproduces integrally the indexes of all contents published in each number. The second is anindex by authors and includes volume and numbers of each authors’ work. It was also organized a briefintroduction where some relevant data about the Boletim de Psicologia in this period are highlighted, such asthe change of name of the Sociedade de Psicologia de São Paulo, the beginning of online publication, aclassification by indexation at the CLASE, a Mexican data base, and Journal Indexes by the CAPES.