摘要:Present study was undertaken to ascertain the common food storage materials adopted and effect of the metallic
containers on the seepage of toxic contents in the stored food items. The study was conducted in two phases. In first phase,
survey was conducted on randomly selected 80 homemakers to find out the commonly stored non-perishable food items
and the type of containers used for their storing. In the second phase laboratory experiments were conducted to study
the effect of metallic containers on toxic contents in food stored. The maximum period of storage of food items was
taken as 60 days. For the purpose of laboratory experiments five food items (suji, milk powder, garam masala, gur,
desi ghee) and stainless steel containers were selected. It was observed that all selected food items that is, suji, milk
powder, garam masala and desi ghee were having chromium contents more than the permissible limits. Maximum increase
in chromium content was found in milk powder stored in stainless steel and minimum increase was found in garam
masala when stored in stainless steel.