摘要:The purpose of this study is to examine prospective classroom teachers’ views about creating
teaching and learning environments based on cognitive coaching and cognitive flexibility. The study was designed
as a descriptive study in survey method to explore the views of prospective classroom teachers. The participants
were 492 prospective classroom teachers attending Mersin and Kafkas University. The data regarding the
participants’ views were elicited through a survey (Learning-teaching Environments based on Cognitive Coaching
and Cognitive Flexibility) prepared by the researchers. Findings show that prospective teachers have positive
views about creating learning-teaching environments based on cognitive coaching and cognitive flexibility.
Survey results in relation to creating teaching environments based on cognitive coaching indicate that there is a
significant difference in favour of the first graders in the 18th item, in favour of the second graders in the 1st 4th ,
11th , 12th , 14th , 19th and 20th items, and in favour of the third graders in the 2nd , 3rd , 5th , 6th , 7th , 9th , 10th , 13th ,
15th , 16th , 17th and 23rd items, and in terms of the fourth graders in the 30th item. Besides, significant differences
were detected in favour of the male students (1st , 3rd , 17th and 20th items). Survey results in relation to creating
learning environments based on cognitive flexibility reveal significant differences usually in favour of the third
graders while three items demonstrated significant differences in favour of the second graders. Besides, significant
differences were detected in terms of male students. That prospective teachers have positive views about creating
teaching environments based on cognitive coaching and cognitive flexibility seems to have great importance in
terms of these two new concepts in the field of education.