摘要:The goal to analyse the effect of linguistic campaigns, as new techniques and measures organised in the Republic of Lithuania for the society, on the society and its language culture.
Objectives: 1) to identify the influence of the campaign “Protect the language” initiated by Delfi, “National Lithuanian Language Dictation”, linguistic contests and campaigns on university students‘ attitudes to language; 2) to investigate evaluations of public language teaching methods and possibilities for improvement of language culture.
Thus, “Guidelines of the State Language Policy” (VLKK, 2008) aim to search for appropriate techniques and measures that motivate the society to use and nurture correct language, to form the image of a correct language user. The emergence of such measures has been already observed: the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language held the contests: “The nicest Lithuanian name”, “The nicest word contest”, “National Lithuanian Language Dictation” competition organised by the weekly “Atgimimas” in cooperation with the Lithuanian Radio and Television, the competition “Respect the Lithuanian language” held under the initiative of the web portal Delfi and others.
Several best advertised (in our opinion) campaigns were selected and the students in the research were asked if they had ever heard of them and what influence they made on the respondents. The sample of the anonymous questionnaire survey included students from six Lithuanian universities: Vilnius University, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Kaunas University of Technology, Universities of Šiauliai and Klaipėda. The questionnaire form included three groups of questions: about the campaign “Protect the language! Comment using Lithuanian alphabet symbols” initiated by Delfi; the public linguistic competitions (The nicest Lithuanian name, The nicest Lithuanian word, The worst mistake, Lithuanian equivalents to barbarisms) and the National Lithuanian Dictation.
关键词:students’ opinion, Lithuania language usage, public didactic measures, the process of learning.