摘要:In recent years, bone tissue regeneration studies have led to a deeper knowledge of chemical
and structural features of the best biomaterials to be used as replacements for lost bone structures,
with the autologus bone still today the only graft material able to ostegenerate, osteinduct
and/or osteoconduct. The difficulties of the small available amount of autologus bone, together
with morbidity of a second surgical operation on the same patient, have been overcome using both
synthetic and biologic substitute bones. The possibility of investigating morphometric characteristics
of substitute bones makes it possible to evaluate the predictability of regenerative processes
and, so far, a range of different methods have been used for the purpose. X-ray microtomography
(micro-CT) is a miniaturized form of conventional tomography, able to analyze the internal structure
of small objects, performing three-dimensional images with high spatial resolution (<10 micron
pixel size). For a correct analysis, samples need not be altered or treated in any way, as micro-CT is
a non-invasive and non-destructive technique. It shows promising results in biomaterial studies and
tissue engineering. This work shows the potential applications of this microtomographic technique
by means of an in vitro analysis system, in characterizing morphometric features of human bone tissue,
and contributes to the use of this technique in studies concerning biomaterials and bioscaffolds
inserted in bone tissue.