摘要:In their critique of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as a model for human
fertility, Morgan and Bachrach (2011) raise a number of concerns that reflect
fundamental misconceptions regarding the nature of the theory and its objectives.
Their points of criticism demand a response not only because they are misguided
and misleading but also because Morgan and Bachrach are not alone to voice
them. This criticism is raised with some regularity as a challenge to the TPB¡¯s
reasoned-action approach (see Philipov 2011). In fact, in our recent book, Martin
Fishbein and I (Fishbein and Ajzen 2010) devoted a whole chapter to these
challenges. Some of the relevant issues are dealt with effectively in other
contributions to the debate published in this volume. I focus my comments on the
criticisms that challenge the basic assumptions underlying the TPB.