摘要:Within the theoretical-methodological body and the procedures developed
by the Cultural Resources Management Program (MRC) from the Administración de
Parques Nacionales (APN), part of the efforts have been focused on the management
of rock art. We have developed interdisciplinary tasks for the conservation of this
type of evidence, based on recommendations and regulations that are internationally
accepted and ratified by our country. We also consider and adapt sub-continental
and worldwide experiences for the development of methodological tools, which are
perfected within the framework of the Adaptive Management and the research on
international standards.
We briefly mention experiences in National Parks Lihué Calel, Perito
Moreno and Talampaya, where we applied for the first time in our country certain
schemes and methodological tools that are mainly focused on the assessment. All
these in alignment with the MRC strategy and its lines of action: research, physical
conservation, public use and community participation.
关键词:rock art, conservation and management, theoretical-methodological